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演出 Concert · 2017.5.18 吴吞 Wu Tun

吴吞 Wu Tun

中国 China


时间 Time

2017.5.18 21:20 - 22:20

场地 Venue 

华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT

演出者 Artist

吴吞  Wu Tun - 人声 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar






Born in 1972, Wu Tun is a singer, poet and the lead singer/lyrics writer of band Shuhtou.

Wu Tun has started his music career in the early 90s when he was a petrochemical worker. He became a member of Shuhtou in 1997. In the same year, the band moved to Beijing and released two studio albums and one live album. Powerful and turbulent on stage as they are, Shuhtou’s lyrics are full of profound sociological apocalypse with connotative animadversion. After several separations and reunions, Shuhtou is still active on stage and released their latest album “Society of AC-Loving Primitives (《原始人爱空调协会》)” in 2016.

As a singer-songwriter, Wu Tun has a large collection of original folk songs. Quite different from Shuhtou, his solo works are more personal and emotional. Works like “The Sky of Kashgar (喀什的天空)”, “Urumqi (乌鲁木齐)” and “Kazakhs (哈萨克人)” are truly moving, deeply rooted in his topohilia, while works like “People Don’t Need to Buy Fruits and Vegetables Any More (从今以后所有的人类再也不用去买水果和蔬菜)” and “A Daydream (一场白日梦)” draw pictures of the big times with sarcasm and humorous. As a poet, he has so far published two poetry collections, “A Collection of Cursory Glances (走马观花集)” and “Before the Loss of One’s Humanity (没有失去人性前的报告)”.

Wu Tun is rarely seen on stage as a soloist, and has never published any collection of his personal musical works. Despite this low profile, Wu Tun definitely deserves to be called a real rarity and legend of the Chinese folk music scene.

网站 Website

视频 Video

吴吞 - 时候到溜

吴吞 - 喀什的天空 LIVE @ 嬉游2周年音乐节 

吴吞 - 一场白日梦+时候到溜 LIVE @ 纪念小索