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演出 Concert ● Bachi da Pietra 石头虫 / 意大利 Italy

来自意大利的Bachi Da Pietra(石头虫)是一个由鼓和吉他构成的前卫二重奏。著名前卫音乐杂志《The Wire》评论他们:“寻着主唱Giovanni Succi粗犷沧桑的低吟,我们不自觉地跟随石头虫的斑驳背影向厄运走去,并渐渐得知即将进行的是一个激烈的回合。战斗,战斗,战斗。神经在阵阵鼓点下被拉扯拖拽着。主唱在被挖掘过的尸堆中前往无名的葬礼。”他们是在污泥、石壁、沙漠中亢奋躁郁的石头虫。

2004年,Giovanni Succi(另有乐队Madrigali Magri)与Bruno Dorella(另有乐队Wolfango、OvO、Ronin和独立厂牌Bar La Muerte)的相遇促使了石头虫乐队的诞生。很快,石头虫乐队便被视为意大利乐坛上有趣的原创乐队之一。该乐队的出彩之处在于其对布鲁斯和摇滚的原始融合,运用最少的吉他弹奏、鼓声和现场录音构成扣人心弦的响亮与粗糙的音效,并配上深深植根于意大利文学的精湛歌词。

他们在稳定且持续的蜕变中连续发行了专辑 《Tornare Nella Terra》、《Non Io》、《Tarlo Terzo》 和《Quarzo》,同时也发布了在剧院中录制的现场演出录音《Insect Tracks》以及与邪典乐队Massimo Volume合作的EP,而最近的作品《Quintale》更是被公众和乐评家们誉为意大利乐坛2013年最重要的专辑之一。他们的新专辑将在2015年发行。

石头虫参加过许多重要的音乐节,包括西班牙的La Revoltosa音乐节、意大利的Complotto音乐节、意大利的Go Dai音乐节等。

Bachi Da Pietra formed in 2004 from the encounter of Giovanni Succi (Madrigali Magri) and Bruno Dorella (Wolfango, OvO, Ronin, the indie label Bar La Muerte). Immediately regarded among the most interesting and original bands in the Italian musical landscape, Bachi Da Pietra stands out for a primordial approach to blues/rock (minimal sounds from guitars and drums, live recordings) with compelling sonorities and rough, immediate lyrics deeply rooted in Italian literature.
A steady and ongoing metamorphosis has produced the albums “Tornare Nella Terra”, “Non Io”, “Tarlo Terzo” and “Quarzo”, but also the live show recorded in theatre “Insect Tracks” and a split with the cult band Massimo Volume, until the most recent studio work “Quintale”, acclaimed by the public and pointed out by the critics as one of the most important Italian albums of 2013.
The recent publication of the “Festivalbug” EP, spin off of “Quintale”, closes a year full of reached goals and concerts, in anticipation of the next studio album expected in 2015.


时间 Time

2014.05.09 09:20 - 10:20 pm


场地 Venue

华侨城创意园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT


演出者 Artists

Bruno Dorella - 鼓 Drums

Giovanni Succi - 人声 Vocal & 吉他 Guitar


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