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放映 Feature ● 《Amin 阿明》- Shahin Parhami 沙欣·帕哈米


伊朗-加拿大籍导演沙欣·帕哈米出生于伊朗设拉子。1988年抵达加拿大后,他的创作很快活跃起来,在当地伊朗-加拿大出版物上发表了多篇关于艺术和文化的诗歌与散文。后受动态图像的好奇心驱使,他先后来到渥太华卡尔顿大学和蒙特利尔康科迪亚大学学习电影与制片。帕哈米导演的第一部电影《Nasoot》(1997)曾参展多个电影节。最新作品《脸》(2007)在蒙特利尔世界电影节首映,并荣获2007 Cinewest实验电影节(FLEXIFF)最佳故事片奖。沙欣·帕哈米绝对主导所有自己的作品,包括制片和所有创意元素。

The Qashqai are a nomadic tribe that lives in southern Iran. They have a distinctive language, culture and artistic tradition that are being eroded by the pressures of fast modernization and urbanization. This is the story of an ancient musical tradition and one man's struggle to preserve it. Amin is the name of a young Qashqai violinist who has dedicated his life to preserving, documenting and teaching the unique musical tradition of his people, a tradition on the verge of extinction. His nomadic family is selling their meager belongings to help support their son's education in performance and ethnomusicology at Tchaikovsky's Conservatory in Kiev, Ukraine, but it is not enough. Amin, desperate to finish his university education, sells his best violins one at a time just to pay for his tuition.

Shahin Parhami
Iranian-Canadian filmmaker Shahin Parhami was born in Shiraz, Iran. After his arrival in Canada in 1988, he quickly became an active writer of poetry and essays for local Iranian-Canadian publications on arts and culture. His appetite for the moving image later inspired him to pursue his studies in film and production first at Ottawa's Carleton University, and later at Concordia University in Montreal. Parhami directed his first movie “Nasoot” (1997), which was screened at many film festivals. His latest production “Faces (Chehre-ha)” (2007), premiered at the Montreal World Film Festival and won the best feature film award at the Cinewest Experimental Film Festival (FLEXIFF) 2007 (Sydney, Australia). Shahin Parhami is the mastermind behind all his work, producing his own films and responsible for all creative elements.

Shahin Parhami / 2010 / 120min / Iranian

沙欣·帕哈米 / 2010 / 120分钟 / 伊朗语


时间 Time

2014.05.18 08:00 - 10:00 pm


场地 Venue

华侨城创意园北区旧天堂书店 Old Heaven Books, North District of OCT-LOFT


网站 Website